Program Name: Wally Version: 0.7 Date: 2/4/98 Author: Ty Matthews ( Purpose: Program to manipulate Quake2 .wal files. Allows for simple editing, viewing/zoom, bitmap import, and setting of texture flags/contents/animation. Allows for new creation, and loading of existing textures. Compiler: Visual C++ 5.0 Where to Get: Misc: This is a Beta version of Wally. It is not intended to be a finished product. More like an almost ready for version 1.0 product :) There are many functionality items that I am planning on adding. But I wanted the Q2-Community to have something to play with, and hopefeully give some feedback. If you're one of those people, try this out and lemme know what you think :) The program is and always will be freeware. And as always per the standard legal rhetoric, this program is given AS-IS. No fitness of merchantibility is either given or implied. If something disastrous happens to your machine, I'd feel really bad, but I cannot be held liable. By running this program, you agree to the terms set forth herein. Usage: Unzip into a directory, and run Wally.exe. Everything is self-contained. Registry settings are made into the following key: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Team BDP\Wally" Files Included: Wally.exe TheApp! Wally.txt You're reading it :) q2pal.act Quake2 palette for PhotoShop q2pal.pal Quake2 palette for PaintShop q2pal.lmp Quake2 palette for Wally! Tutorial: Check out the web sites given in "Where to get" Credits: Id Software... duh. Team BDP for just being the best damn TC group on the planet. To ADarcJedi, Ozric, and Talon: "Thanks for putting up with my crap during our all-nighter ICQ meetings :)"